IFCN Dairy Data Products
IFCN Dairy Data and its analysis drive today’s and tomorrow’s success. Professionalize your company’s data management with IFCN Data. IFCN Data are reliable and comparable, saves company resources for data mining and is a broad basis for deep strategic analysis in your business.
Dairy Sector

IFCN Dairy Sector Database with Long Term Dairy Outlook 2050
This comprehensive product supports long-term strategic business decisions providing comparable country level data. It contains the parts: time line data since 1996, regional data and a 10 year IFCN Long-term Dairy Outlook. Database reflects how the overall dairy situation looks like in the country of analysis, helping in assessing the real market potentials. Read more >>
IFCN Monthly Real Time Data
This real time product delivers data on milk production, milk & feed prices and describes the current situation and continuous development on dairy markets to optimise short-term operational business processes on a global and on country level. A summary with the key changes and IFCN Analysis are sent with this data product. The data provides real-time situation of the dairy market with price analysis, assisting you to anticipate short-term shifts and changes in the dairy markets. This year additional information on fat and protein production has also been added in the data. Read more >>
IFCN Monthly Real Time Farm Economics – extension
This real time data product delivers farm economics data with easily to understand traffic light visualisation. Having been tested since the beginning of 2015, this product is now ready to be an extension file, delivered together with the IFCN Monthly Real Time Data. This product was developed as an easy overview for non-economic people to judge farm economic situations in various countries, as well as a helpful decision tool for high-level strategic planning. Read more >>
IFCN Farm Structure Database with forecast 2030
Farm structure data are important, when planning sales or expansions strategies. It offers a standardisation of farm herd size classes around the globe. Time line data and 10 year forecast provide a complete overview of historic and future farm structure development. This database explains the dairy farm structures and its development in different countries, assists in categorising the lucrative country or world regions in target market. Read more >>
IFCN Monthly Trade Database
This product can serve as a substantial help when planning the product trade strategies by highlighting the market trends and how international dairy demand and trade are taking shape in the terms of volume. Monthly volume of export and import per dairy commodities enables users to assess the dairy self-sufficiency situations per country. Read more >>
IFCN Quarterly Update – Dairy market and farm economics
These PowerPoint slides will give insight into the latest developments in the dairy market. Actual topics are discussed and IFCN gives comments from its perspective. Basis for the information is the observation from the product ‘IFCN Monthly Real Time Data and IFCN Monthly Real Time Farm Economics’.
IFCN Top Milk Processor Data
This IFCN Product provides figures about the top milk processors in the main milk producing countries of the dairy world. Ranked by milk intake and turnover, these data can serve as substantial help, when planning product strategies. Read more >>
Farm Comparison

IFCN Farm Economic Data
This comprehensive product facilitates a strategic decision making by presenting a unique tool for benchmarking dairy farms world-wide. There are new key figures embedded in the product; cost components of the dairy enterprise and actual farm economics. These figures help to get an even better insight into actual farm economics in the analysed countries. With the data, gain a deeper understanding of cost competitiveness and KPIs of dairy production such as efficiency, labour and land costs, capital, yield and prices. Read more >>
IFCN Farm Feeding System Data
This product defines the underlying rationale for mastering the dairy chain by presenting a detailed analysis of the main driver in milk production: feed. This product enables to compare farms with regard to performance, efficiency and costs. The product also encompasses how do feeding systems in different parts of the world look like, assisting in tranquil comparison of the competitiveness and efficiency of diverse existing feeding systems on a global and farm level. Read more >>