D5.1 – IFCN Farm Economic Data

As IFCN stands for International Farm Comparison Network, D5.1product offers a deep insight into dairy farm economics, covering detailed aspects of dairy farming systems worldwide. Each country or major dairy region within a country is represented by two typical farms, one average sized farm and one large farm exemplifying the average farm of the future.

Very detailed comparable indicators on farming system, structure of the production costs and farm returns are displayed to enable an in-depth analysis of the dairy sector at farm level for more than 50 countries. As the same standard for data collection and analysis is applied to all countries, benchmarking and an easy comparison of individual typical farms are allowed for IFCN Partners business analytics. Therefore, this tool helps identify advantages and disadvantages of certain farming systems in comparison with the main competitors and use this information for the development of a company strategy.

Main Benefits

  • Benchmarking the economics of >120 farms and >60 dairy regions worldwide
  • Display in graphs for easy comparison
  • Detailed insight into dairy policies and their economic impact
  • Detailed descriptions of typical farms
  • Development of key indicators since 2000
  • Data in Excel and interactive sheets to create your own charts
  • Comparison of the cost and return structure

Key variables of the time line data

  • Farm size and milk yield
  • Milk supply curves
  • Cost of milk production only on average sized and large farms
  • Total costs of the dairy enterprise for average sized and large farms
  • Milk price and other returns of the dairy enterprise
  • Direct policies and subsidies
  • Profits and return to labour of the dairy enterprise
  • Asset structure
  • Cost components feed, labour, land, animal health
  • Herd replacement

Country illustration

– top ten countries –


Data Coverage

+50 countries covering 89% of the milk production worldwide

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