IFCN Publications

IFCN Method in general

HEMME T (2000): IFCN – A concept for international analysis of the policy and technology impacts in agriculture. Ein Konzept zur international vergleichenden Analyse von Politik- und Technikfolgen in der Landwirtschaft. Landbauforschung Völkenrode, Sonderheft 215, Braunschweig. (Dissertation)

IFCN Dairy Publications 2014

FAO, IDF and IFCN, 2014. World mapping of animal feeding systems in the dairy sector. Rome

HEMME, T., UDDIN, M.M., NDAMBI, A. (2014) Benchmarking Cost of Milk Production in 46 Countries. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 3, 254 -270

IFCN Dairy Publications 2010

ALQAISI, O., NDAMBI, O.A. and HEMME, T. (2010): Environmental and economic
perspectives of milk production in feedlot and grazing systems., In:
Green house gases (GHG) and animal agriculture conferences, banff, Canada,
October 2010

ALQAISI, O., NDAMBI, O.A., UDDIN, M.M., HEMME, T. (2010): Current situation
and the development of the dairy industry in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Syria.
Tropical Animal Health and Production, Vol. 42, Nr. 6. Pages: 1063-1071
BOŠKOVÁ I (2010): Budoucnost mléka v EU. Náš chov, 11/2010, 13 – 15.
ISSN 0027-8068

HAGEMANN, M., FRANCKSEN, T.H., TAUBE, F. (2010): Bewertung von Futterbausystemen
auf Geeststandorten aus ökologischer und ökonomischer
Sicht -Bestimmung eines Öko-Effizienzmaßes. In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft
(2010): 88 (3), pp. 387-406

HEMME, T. (2010): Competitiveness of bovine milk in a world of subsidies
and more liberal commodity trade in “Updates on Ruminant Production
and Medicine”, World Buiatrics Congress Santiago de Chile 2010, F. Wittwer
et al, November 2010, Santiago de Chile, Chile

HEMME, T. et al. (2010): IFCN Dairy Report 2010 – For a Better Understanding
of Milk Production World-Wide. 214 pages, IFCN – International Farm
Comparison Network, Kiel

M.N. (2010):
Distribution pattern and management practices of cross bred
dairy cows in cooperative dairy production system in Bangladesh. Livestock
Research for Rural Development, 22(12) 2010

KHAN, M.J., PETERS, K.J.., and UDDIN, M.M. (2010): Feeding strategy for improved dairy cattle productivity in small holder farm in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science, 38 (1& 2):67-85

KHANDAKER, Z.H., UDDIN, M.M., SULTANA, M.N. and PETERS, K.J. (2010): Effect
of rumen degradable protein (RDP) supplementation on intake, digestibility
and microbial protein synthesis of cattle in a straw-based diet in
Bangladesh. In: Tropical Animal Health and Production

KIRNER, L. (2010): Strategien für eine wettbewerbsfähige Milchproduktion
im Berggebiet Österreichs. Ber. Ldw., 88 (1), 103-117

KIRNER, L. (2010): Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Milchproduktion im Berggebiet.
In: Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und
Wasserwirtschaft (Hrsg.): Grüner Bericht 2010. Wien, 138-139

KIRNER, L. UND TRIBL, C. (2010): Milchproduktion unter liberalisierten Rahmenbedingungen:
Perspektiven für Bergbauernbetriebe in Österreich.
Jahrbuch der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, 19/2010,
Heft 2. Facultas: Wien, 121-130

UDDIN, M.M., SULTANA, M.N., NDAMBI, O.A., HEMME, T. and PETERS, K.J. (2010):
Input productivity and profitablity of dairy farming system in Bangaldesh.
In: Proceedings on International Dairy Conference: Dairying for Food
Security and Livelihood Development, 3-5th of April, 2010, Bangladesh

UDDIN, M.M., SULTANA, M.N. and HEMME, T. (2010): The impact of dairy policy
on Bangaldesh and EU-15 dairy farmers’ Livelihoods. Tropentag 2010 in
Zurich, Switzerland, 14-16 September 2010

A Farm Economic Analysis in different Dairy Production Systems in Bangaldesh.
In: Livestock Research for Rural Development, 22 (7) 2010

PETERS, K.J. (2010):
Institutional and Organizational Issues in Livestock Services
Delivery in Bangladesh. In: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture,
49 (2): 111-125

WÓJCIK, A. (2010): Dochodowość produkcji mleka na świecie na podstawie
wyników uzyskanych w sieci naukowej IFCN Dairy. W: Analiza efektywności
produkcji mleka i żywca wołowego. Raport 2010. Red. Świtłyk M., Ziętara
W., Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie, Szczecin,
str. 9-22

IFCN Dairy Publications 2009

ALQAISI, O., NDAMBIi, O.A., HEMME, T. (2009): Development of milk production and the dairy industry in Jordan. In: Livestock Research for Rural Development Volume 21, Article #107, 2009

Feed Efficiency and Feed Cost in Holstein Friesian Dairy Herds Worldwide, Presentation at: Tropentag 2009, October 6 – 8, Hamburg, Germany

BARTL, K., MAYER, A.C., GÓMEZ, C.A., MUNOZ, E., HESS, H.D., HOLMANN, F. (2009): Economic evaluation of current and alternative dual-purpose cattle systems for smallholder farms in the central Peruvian highlands. In. Agricultural Systems 101/2009, pp. 152-161

DEHAAN, M., HEMME, T. (2009): Den Tiefpunkt überwinden. In: Milch, Nummer 2, Mai 2009, pp.6-11

HEMME, T. (2009): IFCN Dairy Network in 2008: In: Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation 438/2009, pp. 25-29

HEMME, T., Uddin, M.M. (2009): Dairy policy impacts on Bangladesh & EU 15 dairy farmer’s livelihoods. In: IFCN Dairy Network

HEMME, T., LATACZ-LOHMANN, U. (2009): Schmerzhafter Realismus. In: DLG Mitteilungen, 6/2009, pp. 66-67

KIRNER, L. (2009): Milchproduktion im Berggebiet – ist sie noch wirtschaftlich? Teil 2. Der Fortschrittliche Landwirt, 21/2009, 14-15

KOZAK, O.A. (2009): Dairy sector development in Ukraine. International Workshop “Dairy sector development in Central and Eastern Europe”, FAO, 2009 – pp. 17-23

KOZAK, O.A. (2009): The main directions of decreasing political risks for agricultural producers. In: Materials of International conference of young scientists “Agriculture and world financial crisis”, NSC “IAE”, 2009. – pp. 42-45

LATACZ-LOHMANN, U., HEMME, T. (2009): Steiniger Weg aus der Milchkrise. In: Deutsche Milchwirtschaft, 106/2009, pp. 368-371

LATACZ-LOHMANN, U., HEMME, T. (2009): Ein Zurück gibt es nicht. In: Brandenburger Bauernzeitung, Ausgabe 27/2009, pp. 40-41

NDAMBI, O.A., HEMME, T. (2009): An economic comparison of typical dairy farming systems in South Africa, Morocco, Uganda and Cameroon. Tropical animal health and production. 2009 Aug; 41(6):979-94

NDAMBI, O.A., GARCIA, O., HEMME, T., BALIKOWA, D., LATACZ-LOHMANN, U. (2009): Application of the TIPI-CAL model in analysing policy impacts on African dairy farms. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 48 (2) pp 135-154

NDAMBI, O.A., HAGEMANN, M., UDDIN, M.M.,  ALQAISI, O.,  SULTANA, M.N. and HEMME, T. (2009): A Holistic Approach for Analysing Sustainability in Dairy Farms Worldwide. Presentation at: Tropentag 2009, October 6 – 8, Hamburg, Germany

PROCHOROWICZ, J. (2009): Dochodowość produkcji mleka na świecie na podstawie wyników uzyskanych w sieci naukowej IFCN Dairy [w:] Analiza efektywności mleka i żywca wołowego. Raport 2009. Red. Świtłyk M., Ziętara W., Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie, Szczecin 2009, s. 10-18

RAMANOVICH, M. (2009): Dairy sector developments in Russia. In: Dairy sector development in Central and Eastern Europe – Proceedings of a meeting held 18. January 2009, pp. 6-8

RAMANOVICH, M. (2009): Dairy sector developments in Belarus. In: Dairy sector development in Central and Eastern Europe – Proceedings of a meeting held 18. January 2009, pp. 9-11

RAMANOVICH, M. (2009): Dairy sector developments in Russia. In: Proceedings of “Dairy sector development in Central and Eastern Europe” – International Workshop, 18. January 2009, eds Peters, K.J.; Rozstalnyy, A., pp. 6-8

UDDIN, M.M., SULTANA, M.N., NDAMBI, O.A., ALQAISI, O., HEMME, T. and PETERS, K.J. (2009): Socio-economic Sustainability of Dairy Production Systems in Bangladesh, Presentation at: Tropentag 2009, October 6 – 8, Hamburg, Germany

UDDIN, M.M., SULTANA, M.N., and PETERS, K.J. (2009): Analysis of the Provision of Artificial Insemination (AI) Services across the Organizational Structure in Bangladesh: development of sustainable AI services. Presentation at: Tropentag 2009, October 6 – 8, Hamburg, Germany

IFCN Dairy Publications 2008

FLATEN, O. (2008): Dairy Report 2008: Voksende mjølkeforbruk. Buskap 8/2008, pp 30-31

FLATEN, O. (2008): Hva skjer i internasjonal mjølkeproduksjon? Buskap 3/2008, p. 58

Milk Production in Uganda: Dairy Farming Economics and Development Policy Impacts. IGAD LPI Working Paper No. 09 – 08. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome, Italy

HEMME, T., LATACZ-LOHMANN, U. (2008): Milcherzeugung nach der Quote. In: Deutsche Molkerei Zeitung, 10/2008, pp. 28-33

HEMME, T., LATACZ-LOHMANN, U. (2008): Milcherzeugung nach der Quote. In: bauernblatt, 20. Ausgabe, Mai 2008, pp. 34-36

HEMME, T. (2008): Trends in Animal Husbandry: Where is Dairy Production Heading? In: World Nutrition Forum – The Future of Animal Nutrition, Eds. Binder EM, Schatzmayr G, Nottingham University Press, 2008, pp. 17-22

KAROLEWSKA-SZPARAGA, M., KOSZTY (2008): I dochodowość produkcji mleka w gospodartswach należących do Międzynarodowej Sieci Gospodarstw Porównawczych IFCN-Dairy [w:] Analiza efektywności produkcji mleka I żywca wołowego. Raport 2008, Red. Świtłyk M, Ziętara W, Akademia Rolnicza w Szczecinie, Szczecin 2008, s. 9-20

KOZAK, O., HEMME, T. (2008): The record high milk prices. Expert comments. In: Dairy Industry 2(45)/2008, Kiev, pp.32-33

KOZAK, O., HEMME, T. (2008): The record high milk prices. Expert comments. In: Agroexpert 4/2008, pp.52-53

LATACZ-LOHMANN, U., HEMME, T. (2008): Milcherzeugung nach der Quote. In: Vorträge Hochschultagung 2008, (113), pp. 27-36

NDAMBI, A., GARCIA, O. and HEMME, T. (2008): Comparing the EXTRAPOLATE and TIPICAL Models in Analyzing Policy Impacts on Ugandan Dairy Farms. IGAD LPI Working Paper No. 10 – 08. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome, Italy

NDAMBI, A., GARCIA, O., BALIKOWA, D., KICONCO, D., HEMME, T., LATACZ-LOHMANN, U. (2008): Milk production systems in Central Uganda. a farm economic analysis. In: Trop Anim Health Prod, (40), 2008, pp. 269-279

NDAMBI, A., HEMME, T., GARCIA, O.,(2008): Comparing Resource Use Efficiency in Typical Dairy Production Systems in South Africa, Morocco, Uganda and Cameroon. Oral presentation. Tropentag 2008, October 7 – 9, Bonn

NDAMBI, A., GARCIA, O., HEMME, T., BALIKOWA, D. (2008): Supporting Farm Decision Making by Modelling the Impacts of Policies and Farm Strategies on Sustainability of Dairy Farms in Uganda. Oral presentation. Tropentag 2008, October 7 – 9, Bonn

OVASKA, S., SIPILIÄINEN, T. and RYHÄNEN, M. (2008): Maitotilojen kustannustehokkuus ja sen kehittäminen. In: Ed. Anneli Hopponen. Maataloustieteen Päivät 2008, 10.-11.1.2008 [: esitelmät ja posterit]. Suomen maataloustieteellisen seuran tiedote 23: 6 p. Published 9.1.2008

POPOVIC, R. (2008): World dairy market trends and effects on Serbia. Food industry –milk and dairy products, Vol. 19, no 1-2, pages 38-43, Belgrade, ISSN 0353-6564

POPOVIC, R. (2009): Dairy sector development in Serbia. In. Peters J.K., Rozstalnyy A (eds). Dairy sector development in Central and Eastern Europe. Proceedings of workshop held on International Green Week, Berlin, FAO Rome, pages 46-60

RAMANOVICH, M. (2008): Dairy Farming in the World. Presentation at: International Postgraduate Course “The European Dairy Industry and its Markets”, Wageningen Business School, 2.03.-05.3.2008, Wageningen (the Netherlands)

RAMANOVICH, M. (2008): Dairy Farming in the World. Presentation at: International Postgraduate Course “The European Dairy Industry and its Markets”, Wageningen Business School, 2.03.-05.3.2008, Wageningen (the Netherlands)

THOBE, P. (2008): Kombination von FADN- und IFCN-Datensätzen in der Politikfolgenanalyse – untersucht am Beispiel der EU-Milchmarktpolitik. Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, September 2008, 194 p

WOCKEN, C. HEMME, T., RAMANOVICH, M. , FAHLBUSCH, M., SPILLER, A. (2008): Der Markt für Milch und Milcherzeugnisse. In: Agrarwirtschaft, Heft 1/2008, pp. 36-58

IFCN Dairy Publications 2007

BLARR, A., HEMME, T., OVER, R. (2007): Hohenlohe weltweit – Studie zur Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Milchproduktion. In: BW agrar, Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt, 4/2007, pp. 40-41

BOŠKOVÁ, I. (2007): Medzinárodné porovnanie ekonomiky výroby
mlieka a konkurencieschopnosti odvetvia podla IFCN. Agromagazín,
5/2007. Page 4

BOŠKOVÁ, I. (2007): Perspektivy produkce mléka ve světě a v ČR.
Agromagazín, 12/2007. Page 22

GAZZARIN, C., DUDDA, E. (2007): Wo die Milch mehr wert ist. Die Grüne
Nr. 13/2007, Bern

HEMME, T. (2007): Dairy Farming in the World, 12 questions and answers.
In: Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation, 414/2007,
pp. 34-36

HEMME, T. et al. (2007): IFCN Dairy Report 2007, International Farm
Comparison Network, IFCN Dairy Research Center, Kiel, Germany

HEMME, T., LATACZ-LOHMANN, U. (2007): Die Triebfedern des
Marktes. In: DLG-Mitteilungen 12/2007, pp.62-63

JESSE, E.V. (2007): The Dairy Industry of India, Babcock Institute Dairy
Update: 108 – World Dairy Industries, January 2007 (13pp.)

JESSE, E.V. (ed) (2007): The Dairy Sector of Ireland: A Country Study,
Babcock Discussion Paper, No. 2007-2, October 2007 (46+ pp)

JESSE, E.V., DOBSON, W.D. (2007): U.S. Dairy Trade Situation and
Outlook 2007, Babcock Discussion Paper, No. 2007-1, April 2007
(12+ pp)

KIRNER, L., GAZZARIN, C. (2007): Künftige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
der Milchproduktion im Berggebiet Österreichs und der Schweiz.
Agrarwirtschaft 56, Heft 4, pp 201-212

KIRNER, L. (2007): Konsequenzen einer Aufhebung der Milchquotenregelung.Agrarische Rundschau. Heft 3/2007. pp 16-19

KIRNER, L. (2007): Milchproduktion international: Wo steht Österreich?
Teil I: Produktion und Milchkonsum. In: Der Fortschrittliche
Landwirt. Heft 6/2007, pp. 12-13

KIRNER, L. (2007): Milchproduktion international: Wo steht Österreich?
Teil II: Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Betriebe. In: Der Fortschrittliche
Landwirt. Heft 7/2007, pp. 12-13

KIRNER, L. (2007): Überlegungen zu einer möglichen Aufhebung der
Milchquote. Bäuerliche Zukunft, Zeitschrift der ÖBV, 4/2007, 16-17

KIRNER, L., ROSENWIRTH, C., SCHMID, E., SINABELL, F., TRIBL, C. (2007): Analyse von möglichen Szenarien für die Zukunft des Milchmarkts in der Europäischen Union und deren Auswirkungen auf die Österreichische Milchwirtschaft. Studie der Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft und des Wirtschaftsforschungsinstituts im Auftrag des BMLFUW,. Wien

KOZAK, O. (2007): Increasing of market orientation of households in
the dairy market. In: Herald of the Sumy national agricultural university.
2007 – 2(23), pp 311-316

NDAMBI, A., HEMME, T., LATACZ-LOHMANN, U. (2007): Dairying in Africa
– Status and recent developments. Livestock Research for Rural
Development. Volume 19, Article #111

NDAMBI, A., HEMME, T. (2007): Trends and perspectives for dairying
in Africa. Dairy Mail Africa. December 2007 Vol. 9, pp 9-11
NDAMBI A, GARCIA O, HEMME T (2007): Enhancing Agricultural Sustainability in Africa: Evaluation Tools for Assessing Policy Impacts
on Dairy Farming. Poster presentation, Tropentag 2007

NDAMBI, A., FONTEH, F., KAMGA, P., MENDI, S., IMELE, H. (2007): Activation
of the lactoperoxidase system as a method of preserving raw
milk in areas without cooling facilities. African Journal of Food, Agriculture,
Nutrition and Development, Vol. 7, no.2

RAMANOVICH, M., HEMME, T. (2007): Is the milk production in the
CEEC competitive? In Managing Economic, Social and Biological
Transformations, Proceedings of the First Green Week Scientifi c
Conference. pp. 138-144

Important IFCN Publications 1996-2006

IAAE: HEMME T, CHRISTOFFERS K, DEEKEN E (2003): Competitiveness
of Dairy Farming – Farm Level Analysis of 21 Countries (IFCN). Poster Presentation at International Conference of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Durban, South Africa

International Farm Level Competitiveness in Dairy. Annual meeting,
American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA), Nashville/ Tennessee, USA

An evaluation of the fi nancial performance of Spanish dairy farms using IFCN methodological approach. Poster presentation at 10th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists
(EAAE), August 2002 in Zaragoza, Spain

Politik und Technikfolgenanalysen für typische Betriebe im Rahmen des ‚International Farm Comparison Network (IFCN)‘. Schr Ges Wirtsch Sozialwiss Landbau 35:157-164, German Association of Agricultural Economist conference (GEWISOLA) 30.9.-2.10.1998

BUIATRICS: HEMME T (2002): Comparison of dairy farming systems
world-wide. Poster at XXII World Buiatrics Congress: Hanover, Germany, 18-23 August 2002; abstracts, pp 1

HEWPEM: SAHA A, HEMME T (2003): Technical Effi ciency and Cost
Competitiveness of Milk Production by Dairy Farms in Main Milk Producing Countries. Paper at 2nd Hellenic Workshop on Productivity & Efficiency Measurement (HE.W.P.E.M.), Athens Greece 30.5-1.6.2003

HEMME T (2006):
Dairy Development Programs in Andhra Pradesh, India: Impacts and Risks for Small-scale Dairy Farms. FAO PPLPI Working paper No. 38, Rome, Italy

IDF: HEMME T ET AL. (2003): (R)evolution dairy farming, (invited paper) at IDF – International Dairy Federation – World Dairy Summit & Centenary, conference on The Dairy (R)evolution – 100 years of change. Brugge 7-12 September 2003

IFMA: HEMME T, DEEKEN E (2005): Selected results of the IFCN Dairy Network. Milk prices and costs of milk production in 2003. In: 15th Congress of the International Farm Management Association, 14-19 August 2005, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

IAMA: HEMME T (2006): IFCN Dairy Network. Invited paper at IAMA (International Food and Agribusiness Management Association) 16th Annual World Forum and Symposium, June 10-13,2006 Buenos Aires

EAAP: HEMME T (2006): Global trends in beef and dairy production.
Invited paper at EAAP European Federation of Animal Science, Cattle workshop, 15.09.2006, Antalya, Turkey production in the Central and Eastern European countries in comparison to Western Europe? In: Agriculture in the Face of Changing Markets, Institutions and Policies, Challenges and Strategies, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern

Posters presented at the IFCN Dairy Conference 2008 in Kiel

ARREDONDO JJ, NEVARES JM, CALLEJAS N (2008): A case study of a
Mexican Dairy Farm Burning Methane Gas. Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, Chinuahau, Mexico

ARREDONDO JJ, NEVARES JM, CALLEJAS N (2008): A profi le of the
dairy sector on the state of Chihuahua, Mexico. Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, Chinuahau, Mexico

BAACK W, HEMME T (2008): Backward indexing typical farms – a method to estimate time series. IFCN Dairy Research Center, Kiel, Germany

BENDFELD H, HAGEMANN M, HEMME T (2008): Comparing Carbon
Footprints of Dairy Farming Systems. IFCN Dairy Research Center, Kiel, Germany

BOSKOVA I (2008): The role of distance between milk producer and
processor in the dairy plant’s strategic decision making. Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (VÚZE), Prague, Czech Republic

COETZEE K, MAREE DA, BLIGNAUT CS (2008): Spatial distribution of milk producers and production in South Africa. Milk Producers’ Organisation, Pretoria, South Africa;University of Pretoria, South Africa

FERREIRA F (2008): Milk production in Paraguay – First impressions. University of Applied Science of Weihenstephan, Germany

GAZZARIN C (2008): Effi ciency of concentrate input in Swiss dairy farms. Federal Department of Economic Aff airs DEA, Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon Research Station ART, Switzerland

GÓMEZ CA, GARCIA O, FERNANDEZ M, GARCIA M (2007): Methane emissions of representative dairies in Peru in relation to economic performance. Facultad de Zootecnia. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Peru, IFCN Dairy Research Center, Kiel, Germany

HAAN M DE (2008): Cows and opportunities Animal Science Group,
Wageningen-UR, Lelystad, The Netherlands

HAAN M DE (2008): Mobile milking robot. Animal Science Group,

Wageningen-UR, Lelystad, The Netherlands

HAGEMANN M (2008): Benchmarking of Dairy Fodder Production Systems: A DEA Approach. IFCN Dairy Research Center, Kiel, Germany

HJELLSTRÖM A (2008): Changes in prices, productivity & economics
of Swedish dairy farms. Swedish Dairy Association, Stockholm, Sweden

JESSE EV (2008): Elements of U.S. dairy policy. Babcock Institute for
International Dairy Research and Development, University of Wisconsin-
Madison, USA

JESSE EV (2008): World trade in whey and whey products. Babcock
Institute for International Dairy Research and Development, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

KIRNER L (2008): Impacts of an abolishment of the milk quota for Austrian dairy farms. Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Vienna, Austria

MAREE DA, COETZEE K, BLIGNAUT CS (2008): Development of different
technical, economic and fi nancial benchmarks as management tool for intensive milk producers on the Highveld of South Africa, Milk Producers’ Organisation, Pretoria, South Africa. University of Pretoria, South Africa

MENGHI A (2008): On-line based tool for milk production costs calculation. CRPA – Centro Richerche Produzioni Animali, Reggio Emilia, Italy

NDAMBI A (2008): Policy analysis by TIPI-CAL and EXPRAPOLATE models in Uganda IFCN Dairy Research Center, Kiel, Germany

NDAMBI A, GARCIA O, BALIKOWA D, HEMME T (2008): Dairy chain analysis in Uganda. IFCN Dairy Research Center, Kiel, Germany. Dairy Development Authority, Kampala, Uganda

OVASKA S, SIPILÄINEN T, PELTOLA M (2008): Feed cost analysis in
Finland. MTT Economic Research, ARF, Finland

PEDERSEN MF (2008): Soft landing instruments for milk quota in CAP Health Check (DK). Danish Agricultural Advisory Service, National Center, Aarhus, Denmark

QUATTROCHI H (2008): Confi nement or grass based dairy farming
– discussion, Unión Productores de Leche Cuenca Mar y Sierras,

RAMANOVICH M (2008): PAM analysis of dairy sector of Belarus, IFCN Dairy Research Center, Kiel, Germany

REYES E (2008): Strategy of association for small farmers in Spain. Animal Health and Livestock Services. TRAGSEGA, Madrid, Spain

making process when choosing a milking system in Finland. Seinäjoki
University of Applied Sciences, MTT Economic Research ARF,

SHADBOLT N (2008): Dairy farm ownership structures and their management; case study research, College of Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

SHADBOLT N (2008): DairyBase – A new database to analyse and
compare farm business results, College of Sciences, Massey University,
Palmerston North, New Zealand

SLABON A (2008): Changing world milk prices 1980-2007 – Trends and drivers, IFCN Dairy Research Center, Kiel, Germany

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