IFCN Press Releases

04.07.2024 Press Information: 25th IFCN Dairy Conference: Asian dairies: Standing locally, thinking globally

10.10.2023 IFCN Article: The lowest milk production growth of the last two decades monitored in 2022

02.10.2023 Press Information: 21st IFCN Supporter Conference: Together we can do it: Transformation of dairy

19.06.2023 Press Information: Press release: High energy costs impacted the dairy industry directly and indirectly

1.12.2022 Press Information: 3rd IFCN Dairy Forum: Dairy farming in emerging countries needs both: viable business economics and cooperation

10.12.2021 Press Information: Top Dairy Processors commit to climate goals and show strong performance in challenging times

11.2021 Press Information: Improve farmers’ incomes and reduce emissions – Pathways to address GHG emissions from dairy in emerging countries

11.10.2021 IFCN Article: Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the dairy sector – Results of the IFCN Dairy Report 2021

20.09.2021 Press Information: The future of the Dairy World is digital

11.06.2021 Press Information: 22nd IFCN Dairy Conference 2021 – Carbon neutral dairy farming in 2050 – will this be possible?

05.06.2020 Press Information: Covid-19 related dairy crisis – the fear is bigger than its impact – yet

15.10.2019 Press Information: The IFCN Dairy Report 2019

15.10.2019 IFCN Article: Global Dairy Trends and Drivers 2019 – Results of the IFCN Dairy Report 2019

19.09.2019 Press Information: Facts show: Dairy market grows and retains momentum

28.06.2019 Outcome Paper: 20th IFCN Dairy Conference in Berlin, Germany, June 15-19, 2019

19.06.2019 Press Information: Animal based dairy products will outlive alternative kinds of “milk”

03.12.2018 Press Information: 7th Regional Workshop, Pune – India  2018

08.10.2018 IFCN Article: The Global Dairy World 2017/18 – Results of the IFCN Dairy Report 2018

08.10.2018 Press information: The IFCN Dairy Report 2018

25.09.2018 Press information: Top 20 milk processors collect 25% of milk worldwide.

21.09.2018 Outcome Paper: 16th IFCN Supporter Conference, Parma/Italy, September 11-13, 2018

13.09.2018 Press information: IFCN Outlook 2019: Milk demand grows faster than supply

22.06.2018 Outcome Paper: 19th IFCN Dairy Conference in Cork/Ireland, June 9-13, 2018

13.06.2018 Outlook article 2030: IFCN Dairy Outlook 2030

12.06.2018 Press information: More milk needed to cover demand in 2030 – new technologies will and must help

01.12.2017 Outcome Paper: The 6th IFCN Regional Workshop Chennai, 28–29.11. 2017

24.11.2017 Press Information: IFCN summarizes low milk production in 2016 was base for the price peak in 2017

17.10.2017 IFCN Article: The Global Dairy World 2016/17: Price cycle 2013 – 2016 has ended and a new one will start

29.09.2017 Outcome Paper: 15th IFCN Supporter Conference

28.09.2017 Press Information: What makes a dairy region successful?

29.06.2017 Press Information: Dairy development happens everywhere

28.06.2017 Outcome Paper: Dairy Development Day

21.06.2017 Outcome Paper: 18th IFCN Dairy Conference

21.06.2017 Press Information: The crisis is over – the current world milk price cycle has come to an end

Publications with IFCN input

IFCN in the press

03.12.2020 The Bullvine: Top 20 Dairy Processors’ impact on the world is understated

03.12.2020 edairynews: Top 20 dairy processors’ impact on the world is understated

03.12.2020 MilkUA.info: IFCN presented top 20 milk processors in the world

02.12.2020 Affairscloud.com: Amul becomes world’s 8th largest milk-processor – IFCN Dairy Processors Report 2020

01.12.2020 The Hindu Businessline: Amul ranks 8th in IFCN’s global dairy processors rankings

01.12.2020 moproweb.de: Processors People Planet Profit

01.12.2020 International Dairy.com: Processors People Planet Profit

21.12.2017 Dairy Global: Dairy farms in India become bigger

19.12.2017 INALE: IFCN – el pico de precios de 2017 fue consecuencia de la caída en la producción de 2016

13.12.2017 dairyreporter.com: IFCN says new milk price cycle will start in 2018

03.11.2017 kvæg NYT: Status på den globale mælkeproduktion

15.10.2017 Dairy Times: ICFN predicts new price cycle in 2018

01.09.2017 Journal Agri (Suisse) : Embellie sur le marché mondial du lait

28.08.2017 Balde Branco: Ciclo mundial de baixa acaba e fazendas mudam

27.06.2017 Milchprofi: Weltmilchmarkt – positive Entwicklungen seit Juni 2016

22.06.2017 INALE: Conferencia anual de la Red IFCN 3era entrega – principales conclusiones

20.06.2017 Topagrar.com: Die Milch Krise ist vorbei

15.06.2017 dairyindustries.com: Economics of the future

14.06.2017 INALE: Conferencia anual de IFCN – 2da entrega: la conferencia

10.06.2017 INALE: Conferencia anual de la Red IFCN 1era entrega – la preconferencia

25.04.2017 Hoard’s Dairyman: The U.S. became less reliant on world milk prices
