Today, the dairy world serves over 7 billion consumers and provides livelihood for about 1 billion people who live on dairy farms. The key challenges for dairy stakeholders lie in the complexity of the sector and the high rate of change in a globalized world. More than 130 dairy related companies are collaborating with IFCN, a global dairy research network that helps customers to improve decision-making. Globally comparable economic data for dairy products and forecasts have been used for over 20 years to better understand the dairy world.
IFCN Partners
IFCN is a company with a strong network approach. Its main pillars are the three core networks of researchers, companies and other institutions.
IFCN Supporter Partners
IFCN Supporter Partners are dairy-related companies from various branches: milk processing, milking and barn equipment, health and hygiene, feed, farm machinery, genetics for animals and plants, and other branches, including farm investment. They support the IFCN network and benefit from IFCN Knowledge and data for strategic and operational decision-making. Along the latest insights, the network provides also valuable networking opportunities at the IFCN Supporter Conferences.
IFCN Research Partners
IFCN Research Partners are the dairy researchers and experts from various countries covered in the global IFCN Analysis. They contribute to the annual knowledge-generation process on the farm and sector level with the data and insights for their countries leading to unique dairy economic research results. Along being in contact with IFCN about the latest dairy market insights across the globe via online meetings, the network provides also networking and knowledge exchange opportunities at the IFCN Dairy Conference.
IFCN Institutional Partners
The dairy sector has a global scope as well as regional key issues and drivers. Many of the complex issues pertaining to the dairy call for institutional synergies. With this in mind, IFCN has formed a number of partnerships with various organizations around the world who support the work of the IFCN.
Interested to join the network?
You would like to be connected to the global network of dairy stakeholders and benefit from comprehensive knowledge and data? Depending on your profile IFCN has several opportunities for you. For specific details see IFCN Partnership opportunities here