“Carbon neutral dairy farming in 2050 – will this be possible?” – under this topic a great panel of dairy experts will discuss the challenges dairy faces at the IFCN Dairy Conference 2021.

We are very proud to announce our panelists for the 1st panel:
Piercristiano Brazzale – International Dairy Federation 
Timothy Robinson – FAO
Jason Clay – WWF
Donald Moore – Global Dairy Platform Inc.
The 22nd IFCN Dairy Conference will take place online, June 9th
2021, 14.00-17.00 (CET).
With this conference IFCN will bring together researchers, companies, and institutions from all across the dairy sector for a fruitful exchange of knowledge and inspiration as the consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly visible.
Join us to move the discussion on carbon neutrality in dairy forward!
We look forward to seeing you there!

IFCN Dairy Conference 2021