Outlook from the IFCN Network a year ago accurately predicted world milk prices recovery evidenced by the 63% milk price recovery since May 2016. May 2017 estimate of the IFCN World Milk Price Indicator at 35.8 USD per 100 kg energy-corrected milk (ECM, to 4% fat, 3.3% protein) is near the long-term average since 2007 of 38 USD per 100 kg ECM
The 18th IFCN Dairy Conference on June 10-14 in Kiel, Germany showed the most recent analysis of the sector developments from 2016 and monthly throughout the 2017. Interestingly, the message from the last IFCN Dairy Conference, at the depth of the milk price crisis, has proved accurate: that milk prices recovered by the end of the year 2016. Indeed, the last price roller-coaster from 2014 with around 50% fluctuations seems to have halted after nine months of recovery and is oscillating due to milk supply responses and high fat prices. Dr. Torsten Hemme, Managing Director of the IFCN, stated: ‘Let’s do not talk just about the milk crisis, better see the bigger picture of price cycles in dairy. The cycle that started in 2013 has now come to an end. And we shall be prepared for the next one.’
Read more: Outcome of the 18th IFCN Dairy Conference