IFCN Knowledge and Inspiration
The IFCN Dairy Report is the core annual publication of IFCN summarizing the annual research work, showing the latest global dairy developments and giving comprehensive insights on across the farm and country level.
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IFCN Presentations and Workshops

IFCN Presentation
IFCN can be an appreciated speaker during conferences, meetings and summits. IFCN gives actual insight in the dairy development, can add the little extra with interesting presentations of key figures of the dairy and farm sector.

IFCN Company Workshop
In a company specific workshop, topics, duration and set-up are developed together with the company.

IFCN Dairy Economic Workshop
The IFCN Dairy Economic Workshop is a perfect introduction for inexperienced colleagues to the world of dairy economics. In this workshop IFCN explains the basics of key numbers in the dairy business, the standard profit calculation and introduce to strategic planning.
Networking and Conferences
IFCN Dairy Conference
The annual IFCN Dairy Conference is THE conference for IFCN’s researcher network. Dairy researchers from all over the world come together to discuss about farm related topics, world dairy market developments and the validation of IFCN data.
This researcher network makes IFCN unique and in all its uniqueness, the right to join the IFCN Dairy Conference is reserved to IFCN research partners only.
IFCN Supporter Conference
This international dairy conference obtains its exceptional character by bringing together representatives from a variety of companies from different phases of the whole dairy supply chain.
IFCN Regional Workshop
This workshop stands out owing to its regional set up, uniting regional dairy experts and regional company representatives in order to understand and advance the development of the local dairy chain.