D3.7 – IFCN Annual Farm Structure Data

A better understanding of dairy farm structure supports to define the milk production development in a country. The herd size is an important tool to allocate the farms to different segments worldwide. IFCN D3.7 product provides the opportunity of analysing and benchmarking comparable herd size classes of dairy animals and farms for more than 90 countries worldwide with ex-post 20 years data.

By using this product the IFCN Partners get the chance to plan their sales or investment strategies based on segmented dairy farms size classes and growth rate as they have concerned about customers or suppliers. The D3.7 includes farm size class forecast until 2040 that represent segmental shifts in the farm numbers and dairy animals. Forecast results support to analyse the speed of consolidation or stagnation in different farm segments. It can be basis for baseline of customer segmentation, assists in categorising the lucrative target markets for the IFCN Partners.

Main Benefits

  • Benchmarking herd size classes per dairy animal numbers & farm numbers
  • Ready-to-use charts
  • Comparison of several countries which can be individually selected
  • Forecast results in national herd size classes and IFCN standard size classes
  • Data in Excel for additional analysis on your behalf

Key variables of the time line data

  • Farm structure information: herd size, milk yield
  • Dairy farm numbers and business farms (>100 cows)
  • Dairy animal numbers
  • Herd size classes in national size classes
  • Business farm (>100 cows) development
  • IFCN Standard Classes per farm and animal numbers
  • Long term forecast of per herd size class of farm and dairy animal numbers

Country illustration

– Germany –

Data coverage

+90 countries covering 95% of world milk production
